A very warm welcome to our school. St Ives Junior School is a busy and vibrant community with a strong sense of team – between children and adults alike. We all believe that ‘Together Everyone Achieves More’ and that ‘learning together’ is key to success. We are an inclusive school and we ensure that our children have a strong sense of belonging.

We hope that you find the information on our website useful, and that it will help to form a successful partnership in your child’s education.

Please do get in touch if there is any other information that you need, questions that you have, or if you are new to the area and would like to experience the St Ives Junior School ‘buzz’ first hand.

Ali Watts

Facebook Feed

This page is for information and questions only. If you have issues relating to individuals, please contact your child's class teacher or the headteacher. This is a forum for the school community and inappropriate posts will be removed by the administrators.
St Ives Junior School
St Ives Junior School3 days ago
Our Summer SEND update newsletter for parents and carers is now out, with the latest developments including:

- Dingley's Promise
- Travel Training Project
- New Family Information Service website launched
- Supported Internships
- SENDitForward
- Making the Special Universal

and more ........

You can view it online now and subscribe to future editions: www.cornwall.gov.uk/sendupdate
St Ives Junior School
St Ives Junior School3 days ago
Join us next Tuesday evening, 23rd July at 18:00, for one of our 'Positive Parenting Bitesize' sessions. This is a 2-hour session led by our friendly Early Help Parenting Team to explore the topic of 'Technology and Safety'. This session will also give you the opportunity to meet other parents and carers.
To book on please visit the link below or contact us directly on 01872 324323 👇
BitesizeSessions@cornwallservices.onmicrosoft.com/s/yg0K77Yej0u2oKtLE79FZA2" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">https://outlook.office365.com/book/BitesizeSessions@cornwallservices.onmicrosoft.com/s/yg0K77Yej0u2oKtLE79FZA2
St Ives Junior School
St Ives Junior School3 days ago
Calling all schools who would like to join this years FIRST Lego League Challenge for 9-16 year olds.

The season theme is Submerged - perfect for Cornwall!

FIRST Lego league is an engineering and coding challenge working in a teams to code a Lego robot and work creatively to problem solve. Teams from across Cornwall will come together in March 2025 compete at our Regional final STEM event at RNAS Culdrose.
If you would like to get involved contact ebp@cornwall.gov.uk

Check out the reveal video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4JV7x014U0I
St Ives Junior School
St Ives Junior School4 days ago
String quartet assembly
St Ives Junior School
St Ives Junior School
St Ives Junior School4 days ago
This afternoon we are delighted to be entertained by a wonderful string quartet. They have travelled all the way from London to share their talents and beautiful music with us. What a treat!
St Ives Junior School

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